So to start off, there are three planes of development or also known as periods of growth being; phase one
– birth to six years which is known as the Absorbent Mind (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a), phase two – six to twelve years known as Childhood and then phase three – twelve to eighteen years which is referred to as
Adolescence. The first phase is basically divided into to two sub stages, the spiritual (Montessori, 1966 and
2007a) and the social embryonic (Montessori, 2007a) stage. “The developing child not only acquires the faculties of man: strength, intelligence, language; but at the same time he adapts the being he is constructing to the conditions of the world about him. . . Adults admire the environment . . . but the child absorbs it” (Montessori, 2007a, p56). The spiritual embryonic (Montessori, 1966 and 2007a) is the first sub stage which is already starts from birth and goes up to the age of three and during this time us as adults cannot directly influence the child, it is