By: Saleem Younis Cheema (Chairman Angels School System Daska) M.A. (Education) M.A. (Pol. Sc.) M.A.(History) D.I.A., P.G.D.E.,D.C.S., D.E.L. Diploma in Montessori (American Council) Diploma in Admin. (Govt. of Pak.) Certificate in Education,(Oxford University) Certificate in Teacher Training NPO (Govt. of Pakistan) Ex. Research Officer & Lecturer (Punjab University Lahore)
The latest and best pre-school educational system is no doubt, Montessori Sytem. This system was introduced and organized by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1906, when she observed mentally retorted children and experienced with the extensive studies of Frobel, Itard and Seguin. On the ideas of Itard and Seguin, she developed and devised didactic material, which is used in Montessori System with children in a special environment that is called prepared environment. Dr. Maria Montessori said that she didn’t know how to teach the children, they taught me how to teach them. She did a lot of work on her system, spent all her time in teacher’s training and traveled extensively to promote her method. This is the reason that after passing so long time period Montessori system is prevailing all over the world.
The primary aim of all the teaching systems is to educate the child, right from the beginning so that by the time he becomes an adult, he has the knowledge of the world around him. Knowledge brings us closer to God and distinguishes man from animals. God in fact has directed every human being to seek knowledge. This knowledge does not dawn on the child itself, it is rather imparted by the adults. In Montessori system an adult who guide the child and directs the activities and interests of the child through didactic material is named as “directress”.
A trained