to drink soda water, eat crackers, and try home remedies. It has been noted that some men experience the same pregnancy symptoms, which is called couvade syndrome. Other symptoms that women undergo during the first trimester are enlarged tender breasts, enlarged nipples, irregular bowel movements, and fatigue. Feeling tired is normal during pregnancy due to the physical and emotional demands that take place in the body. It is important for women to take care of themselves during this time. In the first trimester a baby starts out as a few cells, which develops into an embryo after implantation. The size of the blastocyst after it implants is less than one third of an inch in diameter. After this takes place a substantial amount of development takes place and the embryo starts to grow from the head downward and from the center of the spine. It is protected by the outer layers of the blastocyst, which forms structures that are used for nourishment and protection. The three inner cell layers are the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm which form parts of the body. The ectoderm is responsible for the formation of the nervous system, skin, and teeth. The mesoderm is comprised of the skeleton, muscles, and blood vessels. The endoderm is the formation of the internal organs, which include the lungs, liver, digestive system, etc. During the third week of pregnancy the neural tube, which is the central structure becomes the dominant feature. The neural tube is then developed into the central nervous system. The umbilical cord, heart, and digestive system form at the end of the fourth week of pregnancy. When the embryo reaches six weeks is has a tail, which develops into the tip of the spine. The tail has structures similar to that of gills, which are parts of the neck and face that haven’t fully developed. Once the embryo reaches eight weeks it is one and one eighth inches in length. During this time all the organs are starting to develop, the heart has a pulse and the stomach produces digestive juices. After eight weeks the embryo becomes a fetus and remains that way until birth. When a woman reaches her second trimester she is able to feel movements of the fetus. The first movement felt is called quickening and at this time the fetus is considered to be a person. This experience brings an emotional attachment between a mother and her child. For some women the morning sickness begins to subside and they notice a change in the figure of their body. This change makes some feel as though their partner is longer attracted to them due to weight gain. Stretch marks develop as the abdomen expands causing there to be red lines or dark marks. Swelling takes place in the breast causing colostrum to leak, which is thick sticky liquid that is produced before the flowing of milk. Some women experience swollen ankles, feet, and hands due to water retention. It is normal for women to develop varicose veins and hemorrhoids. During this time it is important for women to relax their bodies if they are on their feet for long periods of time. During the second trimester the fetus begins to make suckling motions with their mouths and by six months it is able to suck its thumb.
The fetus is also able to hear and respond to sound, and show clear signs of periods of being awake and sleep. In the second trimester the fetus will show signs of its first movement, also known as quickening. The expectant mother is able to feel flutters from her baby. At this time a heartbeat can be heard by stethoscope. If delivery was to happen during this time the fetus would only have a one in ten thousand chance of surviving. The unborn baby is able to open its eyes and respond to light. The appearance of the fetus resembles a newborn baby. When the second trimester is over, the fetus is approximately one foot long and weighs one …show more content…
pound. In the third trimester, the expectant mother begins to have difficulty walking, sitting, and rising.
She has to find new ways and positions for sitting down, sleeping, and getting up. Pregnant women experience back pain due to carrying added amount of weight. Walking is difficult due to the load in front of her, which causes a shift in the center of their gravity. During this time the uterus enlarges due to the growth of the baby, which puts pressure on the bladder. Due to this happening women have to urinate frequently, as many as four or five times in a night. Some pregnant women feel leg cramps, which can be treated by taking an additional amount of calcium. Common complaints during this trimester are indigestion, heartburn, gas, and constipation due to the extra production of the hormone progesterone. To find relief pregnant women are advised to avoid greasy and acidic food. A woman’s naval may be pushed out, which is caused by the uterus pushing the abdomen forward. This is usually resolved a few months after
delivery. It is now the third trimester, the fetus is approximately fifteen inches long and weighs one and a half pounds. The weight of the baby is increasing dramatically and when it reaches eight months the baby will be about four pounds and will be close to sixteen to seventeen inches long. Fatty tissues are now developing under the skin, which fills the baby out. At the beginning of the ninth month the fetus will gain a half a pound every week and will be close to twenty inches in length and weighing between seven and seven and a half pounds. It is normal for the baby to be covered in light hair, which is called lanugo. They also have a waxy bluish substance on them, called vernix caseosa. Lanugo and vernix are used as protective devices, it is okay to leave the vernix on the skin, verses washing it off.