This film defied gender norms, and showcased the very real struggles of growing up in a way that does not meet gender ideals. Moonlight follows the story of a gay, African American man, named Chiron, from boyhood to adulthood. The first segment of the story is called “Little” which was Chiron’s nickname as a child. This segment begins with Chiron as a boy, finding companionship with a man and his wife, Juan and Teres who found him hiding from bullies. They took him in, fed him, and taught him right from wrong. He first learned what being gay was from this couple when he asked what it meant to be called a “faggot” after his mother angrily called him that. He meets a boy named Kevin on the playground, and experiences his first feelings for another boy. From there, the film moves into the second segment, entitled “Chiron”, which showcased Chiron in his adolescent years. During this time, he is still close friends with Teresa; Juan had passed away. Teresa became a second mother to him, …show more content…
Traditional gender norms for men reject anything that could be deemed as “feminine”. Chiron defied gender norms by expressing his emotions. He was very emotional throughout his childhood and adolescence; he cried when he was hurt, expressed his feelings, asked questions that some people wouldn’t dare to ask, and looked up to a strong women figure in his life. However, when his emotionality got him beat up, he chose to harden as a person and express more of a traditional “masculine” appearance to gain respect. This is a common reaction for men who are bullied due to not presenting as traditionally masculine. And unfortunately, the bullying that happened to Chiron is all too common. Acts of violence towards men who present feminine qualities, especially gay men, are more at risk of being violently attacked. Researchers have concluded that these acts of violence occur as a result of men trying to enforce male gender roles (Parrott, 2009, p. 1141). Despite shunning the softness that Chiron exhibited throughout childhood and adolescence during his young adulthood, when Chiron reunites with Kevin he is able to reach that vulnerable place. This was a really touching moment where Chiron finally got back in touch with his feelings and defied gender norms once again.
Throughout the story of Moonlight, one sees Chiron go on a journey of acceptance of his vulnerability. It