You might think that cow is not the best option as your future pet. It is hard to keep a big animal inside your home. But, have you ever though about keeping a small calf inside for some time? Some people tried, as the consequences were on the side of animal when they were making decision.
Meet Moonpie
We would like to introduce you Moonpie, the cutest calf on the Internet. First time she met a dog playing in the backyard, she thought how that might be a good example for her future behavior. Is it wrong for a cow to think she is a dog?
How did she get here?
Auction houses are not rare and animals who end up there are not in a good position. The calf was saved from one of these terrible places and she finished into the Rocky Ridge Refuge, an animal sanctuary in Arkansas. Now she is meeting dogs who live there, one by one. Well, a lot of work to do, as there are twelve dogs in total. …show more content…
When she arrived at the beginning of March this year, she was only 6-7 weeks old and she needed to have someone to survive. Her new mom was ready to do all to help, but dogs were surrogate moms. Moonpie quickly connected with all of them.
Other animals on the farm
Dogs were the biggest occupation, as calf was living inside the house, not in some of those for animals. However, she was ready to meet some other animals as well because her calm nature. She was looking on other animals like on the best friends.
Living in the house
Why this young cow finished inside the house? Or, it is better to say in Janice Wolf's bedroom? At the time Moonpie arrived, there was no empty heated rooms around. Calf was too young to stay out without heating, so Janice decided to put her inside with