Is there a person who is entirely good or entirely bad? No, humans are not like that. Life is not a Hollywood movie where there is a good guy and a bad guy. Humans are more complicated than that. Depending on the situation, they can be good or bad; they can't be all good or all bad. That is one of the reasons many people like Shakespeare's plays, because characters are not moral absolutes. They are complicated and psychologically similar to how people would react to situations in real life. In Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar there are no characters with absolute morality. This can be proven with three main characters such as Caesar, Brutus and Anthony.
Brutus is the most complex character in Julius Caesar and also the tragic hero of the play. He is very complex because he acts three different ways first of all he is a killer, he assassinated his own best friend. He was afraid of
Throughout the play Julius Caesar acts in two ways. He starts by being one of the greatest leaders in the history of Rome. While the people offered Caesar the crown he seems to show no such inclination, declining the crown several times. If declining the crown was not enough, he rejects a letter that could have well saved his life. He was a noble and honorable man, however his ambition got in the way. Even though Caesar may appear moral absolute, he is not. He was an ambitious man he even compared himself to the North Star. "But I am constant as the Northern Star" said Caesar, this makes him overconfident of himself. So these character is not moral absolute at all, he is complex and different.
Anthony is a character that develops different roles throughout the play. First he is Caesars right hand, after Caesars death he has to pretend he is on the side of the conspirators to save his life.
Concluding the three previous paragraphs there are no characters that are moral absolutes in Julius Caesar. They are complex and very similar to how real humans would react in these