
Moral and Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Clergy

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Moral and Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Clergy
Unique and Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Clergy

Men of God’s calling have spent years studying scripture and spent thousands of dollars at universities and colleges attempting to learn the truth of God’s word. They study to not only validate their own faith but to have that boldness that the apostles demonstrated as they followed the last command of Jesus, to spread the gospel thought all the world. Their mission is to counsel, to instruct, to teach, to explain and to lay the foundation of belief for the eternal reward of salvation. Their integrity is laid on the line, one slip and all the good they have produced with sincere intentions and devotions could be lost in the twinkle of an eye. What motivates a man to do good and what tempts him to turn from the truths that he teaches and believes in himself? We will examine a few ethical and moral traps that have snared many of God’s servants in today’s society. As Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives, he instructed his disciples to spread the gospel throughout the world and then finished his statement with a vote of confidence by saying, “and low I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” The disciples knew several facts; (1) Jesus would be with them throughout all their teachings and ministry, (2) they anticipated persecution, Jesus had warned them, and (3) they knew there would be unknown hardships that could eventually lead to their death. Knowing all this, the apostle’s, led by faith jumped into the world of Christianity. Did they face the same temptations that today’s minister’s face? There are mounds of pressures that are experienced by today’s ministers. Most pressures are placed on the minister by himself. It may come from his own weakness of temptations, a current lifestyle he may be living, a social environment that is not conducive to proper rules of conduct, financial demands or even sexual weaknesses and curiosities that tempt the human mind.

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