
Moral Issues

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Moral Issues


Story from BBC News:
Worksheet written by James Greenwood.

American student Joel Tenenbaum was taken to court for downloading and sharing songs using the peer-to-peer file sharing program Kazaa.
Under US law, recording companies are entitled to
$750 to $30,000 per infringement, or more if the jury believes the infringements were wilful.
In the first case of this kind, a Minnesota jury awarded $80,000 per song, amounting to $1.92 million for sharing 24 songs.
Joel was found guilty and ordered to pay
$675,000 (£404,000).
He now must either pay the fine or declare bankruptcy. Tenenbaum said an entire generation has grown up downloading music and his case is not unusual, but in a press release, Recording Industry
Association of America President Mitch Bainwol said music fans know right from wrong when it comes to illegal downloading.

Do you think the ruling was fair? Do you think the law upon which the ruling was based is fair?
If so, explain why. If not, what alternatives could you suggest?
Do you think this is the best way to deter piracy?



Story from The Guardian:
Worksheet written by James Greenwood.

You’re out for a meal with a family friend who works in an independent TV production company.
She isn’t happy: unless the TV series that they’ve just released on DVD sells well, the company is going to have to make cutbacks – which might include her.
You realise that that’s the TV series that you’ve been downloading via a file-sharing site for the past couple of days.

What do you say to her?
What do you do about the downloads when you get home?



Story from Book By Its Cover:
Worksheet written by James Greenwood.

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