Crystal Lamb
Soc. 120
Tracy Green
October 22, 2010
Moral Issues 1 Abortion is a volatile subject and one that most people feel passionate about. There are several ethical components of the abortion debate that help form ones opinion on whether or not abortion is moral. In this piece I'd like to focus on the rights of everyone involved in the decision to either terminate a pregnancy or carry to term (2006). Much emphasis is placed on a woman's right to choose', yet very little attention is given to the man and the unborn child's rights and choices.
The moral issue of abortion is that it is wrong morally based on the simple fact that a life is a life (2006). When we find we are so great and mighty that it is …show more content…
Then what's to say that children can't arise and terminate their elderly parent’s lives when they become too great of a burden. I mean where does this all stop? Are we so blinded that we can't see there are consequences of such irrational choices? This issue is greater than just doing what you feel to be happy and our selfish rights to choose (2004). If you want to choose then choose to tie your tubes. Choose not to have sex. Choose to be responsible and accountable. Rise up and be a real woman not a criminal that is legal because, our nation no longer cares to protect its unborn …show more content…
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is not only about the woman involved, it affects others as well. If the woman decides to have the baby the father is required to pay child support even if he doesn't want to be a father (as he should take this responsibility). However, if a man wants to raise his child, he has no decision making capabilities according to the law. I find it ethically wrong to deny a man the opportunity to raise his child (2006). The arguments are the woman is carrying the baby and it's her body, but bringing a child into the world impacts both consenting adults, not just the female. Pregnancies can be tough on a woman, but raising a child is harder and more work, nine months can hardly compare to a lifetime of parenthood (2006). If the man chooses life and is willing to take on that responsibility, why should he be deprived of that