March 16, 2014
PHIL. 201
Morality is an important concept that has always generated interest when dealing with business organizations. Some of the business organizations argue that morality in business is important as it ensures that the needs of the customers are fully satisfied. However, with the increased focus on profitability, morality the concepts of morality is no longer considered in most organizations. According to the descriptive sense, morality refers to personal or cultural values, norms or codes of conduct while the normative sense refers to anything that may be right or wrong depending on values of a particular culture (Harris, 2010). The paper this discusses the concepts of morality and its application in business in order to identify its relevance.
Utilitarianism: Conduct should be for the purpose of promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of persons.
Categorical Imperatives: Evaluating motivations for actions.
Process Philosophy: Metaphysical reality with change and dynamism.
Moral relativism: Similarities in terms of the moral concepts.
Moral absolutism: Human conduct is right or wrong in any context. Ethical relativism: Nothing is objectively right or wrong due to the differences in terms of the moral judgments across cultures. Moral objectivism: What is morally wrong or right depends on what someone thinks.
Deontological ethics: Duty of obligations based on ethics.
Teleological ethics: Moral obligation from what is desirable as an end to be achieved. In any given time and place, morality is what appeals to most people while immorality is abhorred. This is mainly based on the concepts of right and wrong. Businesses on the other hand can have moral standards although they are not moral agents because the businesses are more focused on profitability and sometimes the issues of morality are overlooked for the sake of making
References: Harris, S. (2010). The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values. New York: Free Press. Churchland, P. (2011). Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Rachels, S. (2011). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (7 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Shane, M. (2010). "A functional imaging investigation of moral deliberation and moral intuition". Neuroimage 49: 2707–2716.