
Morality In Huckleberry Finn

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Many people conform to society's views or perfection and normalcy. People do this to fit in, go unnoticed or because they lack the courage to go against the social norms. When people do not stand for what they think is morally correct they are often left with an inner conflict of morals. Mark twain writes about the character Huckleberry Finn dealing with this and more. In Mark Twain’s Novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the reader can see Huck morals are put to the test through his inner conflict with society’s norms or the time.
Huck Finn defies many social norms of that time such as religion, murderous acts, and slavery. One morning Mrs. Watson was trying to teach him about the Bible. She was discussing Moses and the Bulrushers when Huck
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Huck witnesses the Grangerfords and the Shepherdson’s fued in the short time that he is there. This small war had been going on for years prior to Huck's arrival. Huck’s realizes that this is a vile act on humanity because he has morals. (115) After finding his friend dead Huck states, “I cried a little when I was covering up Buck's face, for he was mighty good to me.” (115) Huck knows that this is morally wrong and while covering up his deceased acquaintance, he cries. He is stepping out of social norms in two ways in this scene. He is falling out of the traditionally masculine stereotype that men never cry,they are always strong. He is also seeing that the violence of the feud was never needed. Continuing on his adventure, Huck sees social Norms as a just a hindrance for him to be able to protect the people that cares about. Huck throws caution into the wind when he befriends a slave named Jim. Two men were out looking for runaway slaves on the river when they had run across Huck. Huck could have decided to turn Jim over to them at this point or protect him. He had decided to go against his previous thought of turning Jim in as a runaway slave when he

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