For those who believe that every fertilized egg is a human life, the debate would be identical to the debate over whether or not abortion should be legal. It is a question of how human life is defined, and which circumstances, if any, it is allowed to end it. Yet, since the pill has the ability to prevent women from getting pregnant in the first place, and is not invasive, shouldn't this pill be available to women who might be trying to correct a personal mistake and not necessarily trying to accommodate a careless lifestyle? Thus the need for an over the counter pill that would rid the need for the millions of abortions done yearly in the United States alone.
Although, some argue that the morning after pill will promote promiscuity because it will alleviate some of the consequences of having unprotected sex, it does provide some peace of mind for rape victims who fear becoming pregnant from their attackers. It is really useful when getting to a doctor for a prescription can be difficult. For instance, on weekends or without a previous scheduled appointment.
Although, one should also consider the fact that abuse might occur. There has not been any research conducted on the side effects of such an incident. For example, some women might abuse the pill through multiple uses, possibly