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him with his fists.He accompaniedevery blowwith a curse."I hope you die, youlittledemon,"he said between sobs, forhewas crying and he could hardly see. Ambowriggled and struggled and tried tobite Baldo's legs. Failing,he buriedhis face inthe sand and howled lustily. Baldo nowleft him and ran tothe black-spottedpuppy which he caughtup in his arms, holdingitagainsthis throat.Ambo followed, crying out threatsand curses.He grabbedthe tailofthe puppyand jerked hard. The puppy howled shrilly and Baldo let it go,but Ambo kept hold ofthe tail as the dogfell tothe ground. Itturnedaroundand snappedat the hand holding itstail. Its sharp little teeth sank into the fleshy edge of Ambo's palm.With a cry, Ambo snatchedaway his handfrom the mouth ofthe enragedpuppy. Atthat moment the windowofthe house facing the streetwas pushedviolentlyopen and the boys' father,Tang Ciaco, looked out. He saw the blood fromthe toothmarksonAmbo's hand.He called out inarticulatelyand the twobrotherslookedup in surpriseand fear. Ambohid his bittenhandbehindhim. Baldo stoppedtopick upthe black-spottedpuppy,butTang Ciaco shoutedhoarselytohim not to touch the dog.AtTang Ciaco's angry voice, the puppy had crouched back snarling,its pink lips drawn back, the hair onits back rising."The doghas gone mad,"the man cried,coming downhurriedly.Bythe stove in the kitchen,he stoppedto get a sizeablepieceoffirewood,throwing an angry look and a curseatNana Elang forlettingher sons play with the dogs. He removedasplinterortwo,then hurrieddownthe ladder, cursingin aloud angry voice.Nana Elang ran tothe doorway and stood there silently fingering herskirt. Baldo and Ambo awaited the coming oftheir fatherwith fear written ontheir faces.Baldohated hisfather asmuch ashefearedhim. He watchedhim nowwith half amind toflee asTang Ciaco approachedwith the pieceoffirewood held firmly in one hand.He