MKTG 3010 Group Project
2013/2014 Term1
LI Yuancheng
(Group Leader)
LIN Daifeng
MA Lin
ZHANG Shuhan
ZHU Yifan
Report Due Nov.22nd
Final Group Project
No longer than 15 double-spaced pages, excluding tables and figures and the final questionnaire
Font: Times New Roman, Arial
1. An executive Summary.
Describe in one paragraph the business problem, the research methodology, the main findings, the conclusions and your recommendation to the client. The purpose of the executive summary is to allow really busy CEOs to get a good grasp of what you have done, and digest the most essential information without reading every sentence in the report.
2. Background.
Define the problem to be studied and the purpose to be served by the research (What is the benefit to the client? What is the value of the research project?).
3. The research strategy.
Define the population and the sampling frame.
Describe your sampling method as well as the size and profile of your sample.
If secondary data are used, identify the sources.
4. Briefly describe the exploratory research you conducted that led to the design of your questionnaire. (Or we put this before 3rd part?)
Include the final version of your questionnaire in the Appendix (briefly explain why we choose the six canteens as competitors) so that I know exactly what questions were asked and what scales were used in the questionnaire.
5. Report your findings you need to show how you analyzed the data, the results and your interpretation of the results. Discuss the implications of these findings for your client.
POSITIONING (How we choose important attributes)
Shall we put all the graphs in the appendix rather than the text?
6. Finally, your recommendation - what should the client do?
Make sure that your recommendations are supported by the