“William Jefferson Clinton”
Azra Muça
CODE: 105/10
April 2012
Table of Contents
Introduction ……………………………………………………………3
Early life………………………………………………………………..4
Meeting with John F. Kennedy…………………………………………6
Governor of the United States………………………………………….8
President of the United States………………………………………….10
Second term 1997-2001………………………………………………..11
Monica Lewinsky’s scandal…………………………………………....12
Success and foreign affairs……………………………………………..13
Dealings with the Former Soviet Union……………………………..…14
After the presidency ………………………………………………..….15
This paper attempts to provide information about a famous president of the United States of America, 42-nd president Bill Clinton. Some information of the dates and events of his life will be provided in a fast information format, to give a concise and accurate life biography.
It will also give an overview of the most important events from his childhood, the leaders he admired as a child, the most important meeting in his youth, his talent in music, his university studies, the period he served as a governor of Arkansas and later as president of the United States, his successes and foreign affairs until his last day as President of the United States.
Early Life
William Jefferson Clinton was born on August 19, 19461, in Hope, Arkansas, a small town with a population of about 8,000.2 His father, William Jefferson Blythe, died in a car crash several months before Clinton was born, leaving him in the care of his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe. In order to provide for her son, Virginia moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to complete two years of nursing school, while Clinton stayed with his grandparents, Eldridge and Edith Cassidy. Clinton 's grandparents were strict disciplinarians who instilled in him the importance of a good education. There he was surrounded by many relatives who gave him love and support and who played a significant role in his upbringing. Eldridge and Edith Cassidy taught him strong values and beliefs. They owned a small grocery store just outside of Hope, and despite the segregation laws of the time, they allowed people of all races to buy goods on credit. They taught their young grandson that everyone is created equal and that people should not be treated differently because of the color of their skin. This was a lesson Bill Clinton never forgot.
His mother returned from New Orleans with her nursing degree in 1950,3 when her son was four years old. Later that same year, she married an automobile salesman named Roger Clinton.
When Bill Clinton was seven years old, the family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas. Known for its natural mineral hot springs, its scenic beauty, Hot Springs was bigger than Hope and offered better employment opportunities. Roger received a higher paying job as a service manager for his brother 's car dealer-ship and Virginia was able to find a better job as a nurse anaesthetist. In 19564 Bill Clinton 's half-brother, Roger Clinton, was born. When his brother was old enough to enter school, young Bill had his last name legally changed from Blythe to Clinton. He did not adopt Bill but Bill took his surname legally in 1962, at his own request. He told his mother that it would be easier if they all had the same last name. Roger and Virginia divorced in 1962, but remarried a few months later. Following Roger’s death in 1967, Virginia Clinton married hairdresser Jeff Dwyer in 1969, but he died of complications of diabetes in 1974. On January 17, 19825 she married Richard Kelley (1915–2007), an executive at a food distribution firm. Their marriage lasted until her death from complications of breast cancer, at the age of 70, at her home in Arkansas.
Meeting with John F. Kennedy In 19606, John F. Kennedy was elected President. Two years later, when Bill Clinton was a senior in high school, he was selected to go to Washington, D.C., to be a part of Boys Nation, a special youth leadership conference. The young men of Boys Nation and the young women of Girls Nation were invited to the White House to meet President Kennedy. Bill Clinton was one of the first in line to shake President Kennedy 's hand in the Rose Garden. That event was one of the most memorable, important experiences of his youth. After that, he knew he wanted to make a difference in the lives of the people of America by becoming President. That same year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his historic "I Have a Dream" speech at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Bill Clinton watched the speech on television and was so deeply moved by Dr. King 's words that he memorized them. He admired Dr. King 's gift for communicating a clear vision and his ability to pull people together to work toward a common goal. Dr. King became one of Bill Clinton 's heroes. Inspired by the success of these leaders, young Bill thrived on the hard work that his academic and extracurricular activities required. As an active member of his church, he raised money and organized charity events. Most important, he learned about working with people and being a good citizen. In his spare time, he enjoyed reading. Some of his favourite books were The Silver Chalice (Thomas B. Costain), The Last of the Mohicans(James Fenimore Cooper), The Robe(Lloyd C. Douglas), and Black Beauty(Anna Sewell). Playing the saxophone was his favourite pastime. He loved music, practiced every day, and played in jazz ensembles. Each summer, he attended a band camp in the Ozark Mountains. His hard work paid off when he became a top saxophone player at his school and won first chair in the state band 's saxophone section. Bill Clinton recognized that although college would be expensive, it would give him the education he needed to perform his goals. His hard work in school, combined with his musical ability, earned him many academic and music scholarships. With the help of those scholarships and credit from the government, he was able to attend Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He chose Georgetown because it had an excellent foreign service program and he was also excited about going to school in the nation 's capital. While earning his Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs he worked as an intern in the office of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. There he learned how government worked and what it was like to be a politician. He admired Senator Fulbright for his achievements and beliefs. While Bill Clinton finished college in 1968,7 he won a Rhodes scholarship, which allows select students to study at Oxford University in England. While at Oxford, he studied government and played rugby. Upon his return to the United States, he began law school at Yale University. At Yale, he continued to work hard. He maintained his interest in government by campaigning for a Senate candidate in Connecticut. He also met Hillary Rodham, whom he would later marry. When he graduated from law school in 1973, Bill Clinton returned to Arkansas to teach law at Fayetteville University. There he could concentrate on his goal of running for political office. In 19748, he had his first opportunity when he ran for Congress against Republican incumbent John Paul Hammer Schmidt. Although he lost the race, Bill Clinton learned much about politics and met people who have remained his lifelong friends. Hillary Rodham also began teaching at the University of Arkansas. They were married on October 11, 1975.9
Governor of the United States
In 1976,10 Bill Clinton was elected Attorney General of Arkansas. Two years later, at the age of thirty-two, he became the youngest governor in the United States. As governor of Arkansas, he concentrated on improving the state 's educational system and building better roads. On February 27, 1980, the Clintons ' daughter, Chelsea Victoria, was born. The Clintons describe this day as the happiest one of their lives. Later that year, in a close election, Governor Clinton lost the race for a second term to Republican Frank White. Feeling that he had not accomplished all that he wanted to do, he ran as the Democratic candidate in the next gubernatorial election. Campaigning throughout the state, he promised the voters that he would address their needs, and he was re-elected in November 198211.Again, his most important goal as governor was to increase the quality of education in the state. He raised teachers ' salaries and began a program of testing students after the third, sixth, and eighth grades. He also encouraged parents to participate in their children 's education. His new educational standards provided that every child in Arkansas, despite of the size or wealth of his or her community or of family income level, would receive a quality education. From August 1986 to August 1987, Governor Clinton served as leader of the National Governors ' Association. During that time, he led the governors ' attempt to reform the welfare system and the educational systems of the states. By the fall of 1991, Governor Clinton believed that the country needed someone with a new vision and plan, and he decided to run for President. He also felt that he had the experience and the best ideas for changing the country for the better. He wanted to strengthen the health care system, to improve the school system and most of all, to support the economy and create new jobs. He brought his message to the country by going door to door, holding one-on-one talks with people in town hall meetings, and appearing on various talk shows. After a long primary process, Governor Clinton was nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate. He chose Senator Al Gore, of Tennessee to be his vice-presidential running mate. Together, Bill Clinton and Al Gore set out by bus to meet the people of America and to hear about their concerns and their hopes for the future.
Fig.1. Bill Clinton in the 1996 presidential election12
President of the United States On November 3, 1992,13 the election day arrived and voters turned out in record numbers to cast their ballots. Bill Clinton was elected the 42nd President of the United States and Al Gore the 45th Vice President. They had succeeded in bringing the people together in their attempts to change the country. Throughout his life, President Clinton has worked to make a difference in the lives of others. To him, Hope means more than a small town in Arkansas, it means working to provide that each American has the opportunity to perform his or her dream. Shortly after taking office, Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 14 which required large employers to allow their employees to take unpaid leave because of pregnancy or a serious medical condition. While this action was popular, Clinton 's undertake another campaign promise of allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the armed forces was the subject of criticism. Congress implemented the 'Don 't Ask, Don 't Tell ' policy, stating that homosexual men and women may serve in the military as long as their sexuality is kept secret. In 1993, Clinton promoted another controversial issue, this time regarding free trade when he supported the North American Free Trade Agreement for ratification by the U.S. Senate. The treaty was then ratified by the Senate and signed into law by the President on January 1, 1994.15 On August 1993, Clinton signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, which passed Congress without a single Republican vote. It raised taxes on the wealthiest 1.2%16 of taxpayers, while cutting taxes for 15 million low-income families and making tax cuts available to 90%17 of small businesses. Additionally, it mandated that the budget be balanced over a number of years, through the implementation of spending restraints. Second Term
In 1996, the successful Clinton-Gore team ran for re-election, promised continued leadership in building the bridge to the 21st century, meeting the nation 's challenges, and protecting their values. On November 5, 1996,18 Bill Clinton was once again elected by the American people to serve a second term as President of the United States. Clinton received 379, or over 70% 19of the Electoral College votes. During both Administrations, Bill Clinton has worked to lead the country forward and to provide that all Americans can make the most of their own lives. This is an age of great possibility, a time when more Americans will be able to live out their dreams than ever before. But it is also a time that shows many challenges. President Clinton believes that to make the most of this exciting era, Americans must offer opportunity, ask personal responsibility, and come together as a national community.
The Clinton Administration was not without its challenges-and scandals. It has been assumed that Clinton was a target of an attempted assassination plot, according to a book, in which the author claims that Clinton narrowly escaped an assassination attempt in the Philippines. But what is not alleged is Clinton 's dalliances with women, which would come back to plague him as president and would continue to do so during his presidency.
Monica Lewinsky Scandal
On December 19, 199820 the U.S. House of Representatives voted (along party lines) in favor of two articles of accusation. One well-known incident was the Monica Lewinsky affair, in which he was sexually involved with a young, 22-year-old intern, who was a few years older than his own daughter. At first he denied it, but after much public pressure, he finally admitted to the affair and apologized publicly on live television. But it would ruin his political credibility. The Senate voted to accuse Clinton on the basis that he lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but there was much political rambling, some would rule in his favor, others against him until the Senate was at a stalemate, at 50-50. In the senate trial, Clinton was freed of the accusations and remained in office. Days before leaving office, Clinton struck a deal with the office of the special prosecutor in the case: in order to avoid an indictment, Clinton admitted to making misleading testimony, and he was suspended from practicing law in Arkansas for five years. fig 2. Monica Lewinsky with Bill Clinton21
Success and Foreign Affairs The American people evidently cared less about the President 's marital affairs or his long-ago financial dealings than about his success in reducing deficits and obtaining economic prosperity, and they found the reactions of the Republican Congress to be excessive. The Republicans lost seats in the House, and the Senate thereafter failed to convict Clinton on the impeachment charges. Nor was the independent counsel able to link either the President or the First Lady to criminal activities in the Whitewater investigation. In foreign affairs, Clinton succeeded in brokering peace negotiations in Northern Ireland between warring Catholics and Protestants. The former Soviet Union and its East European client states constituted yet another challenge for the Clinton administration. The President lobbied successfully for the inclusion of Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic into the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) indicating to Russia that neither nuclear weapons nor large numbers of troops would be placed in Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, some Russians regarded expansion as an aggressive step by NATO and the United States.22 His call for NATO bombings in Bosnia and Kosovo following his earlier reticence at intervening in the Balkans, forced the government of Serbia to end its murderous attacks on Muslims in Bosnia, as well as on ethnic Albanians within the borders of its Kosovo region. In 1999, Clinton 's support for financial help to Russia came under attack in the face of growing evidence that much of the borrowed money may have been stolen by an organized criminal syndicate which included members of Yeltsin 's own family. However, supporters of Clinton 's pro-Yeltsin policies credit his administration with an important achievement not easily measured in dollars or in the short run: the security of the Russian nuclear arsenal. Working through the provisions of the Nunn-Lugar Act (the National Defence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 199723, Title XIV of which was called the Defence Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act), the administration provided extensive technical assistance and funding to the former Soviet states in the safeguarding of nuclear power plants and dismantling of nuclear weapons—an achievement that once existed between the United States and the Soviet Union. By the end of the Clinton presidency, the possibility of a nuclear exchange between the superpowers was almost nonexistent.
fig 3. US President Bill Clinton with NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana and Supreme Allied NATO Commander Wesley Kanne Clark. 24
After the Presidency
On January 19, 2001,25 Clinton 's last day as president, he publicly accepted that he gave misleading testimony in the Lewinsky probe. He faced no criminal accusation, but his license to practice law was cancelled. Clinton was also ordered to pay a $25,000 fine and admit that he had broken one of the Arkansas Bar 's rules. Clinton continues to raise money for and speak in the name of many matters. The many causes to which he spent time and money include the economic development of small businesses, City Year (a national service program for young people), and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS; a disease of the immune system) research and education. His wife, Hillary Clinton was elected as a U.S. Senator from New York in 2000, the first time a First Lady had ever been elected to public office. She was re-elected in 2006, then accepted the post of Secretary of State under President Barak Obama in 2009.26 He eventually moved to Upstate New York, where he lives with his wife, Hillary, who is still the Secretary of State in the Barack Obama Administration. He has an office located in the very heart of Harlem, on West 125th Street, in New York City. Today, at age 66, Bill Clinton is very much active in world affairs; the recent cases of his involvement is sending financial support to a lot of victims in different places. Whatever Bill Clinton may be considered to some, good or bad, he has indeed contributed his legacy to the American Experience. That cannot be denied.
Conclusion Bill Clinton was the greatest American president in the second half of the twentieth century and may, through the lens of a longer history, go down as one of greatest presidents, ever. He brought confidence to the people, he extremely was intelligent and kept the country in great financial shape. His personal past has nothing to do with his ability to lead, of which he did a fine job. If he were allowed to run again for the office of President, he would win. Under President Clinton, the economy was running on all cylinders, the national debt was reduced, there was no war in America, and he was called by African Americans, "the first black president." Bill Clinton was even considered as one of the more difficult contenders of the Nobel Prize for Peace, but his chances of winning one were torn by the infamous accusations in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He signed into law FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) and helps thousands keep their jobs when they themselves or a close family member is sick. Bill Clinton balanced the budget, when everyone said it couldn 't be done, and his term in office generally was a time of peace and prosperity. Whatever the world might think about him, Bill Clinton was truly one of the best Presidents of the United States.
1. Clinton, Bill “ My life” Vol. II Vintage Press
2. Graney, Douglas “In Search of Bill Clinton” St. Martin 's Press (2008)
3. Lowry, Rich “Legacy: paying the price for the Clinton years” Regnery Publishing (2003) – Hardback Press
4. Maraniss, David “ First in his class: the biography of Bill Clinton” Simon & Schuster Press, 1996.
5. Olson, Barbara “ The final days: the last, desperate abuses of power by the Clinton White House ” Regnery Pub. (2001)– Hardback Press.
6. Smith, Sally Betel “ For Love of Politics” Random Press (2007)
1. http://americanhistory.about.com/od/williamjclinton/p/pclinton.htm (accessed on 5, March 2012)
2. http://www.biography.com/people/hillary-clinton-9251306 (accessed on March 6, 2012)
3. http://www.conservapedia.com/Bill_Clinton (accessed on March 5, 2012)
4. http://conservapedia.com/Bill_Clinton (accessed on April 15, 2012)
5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewinsky_scandal (accessed on April 18,2012)
6. http://www.ipl.org/div/potus/wjclinton.html (accessed on March 1, 2012)
7. http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/Life-of-John-F-Kennedy.aspx (accessed on April 9, 2012)
8. http://millercenter.org/president/clinton/essays/biography/5 (accessed on April 18, 2012)
9. http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/presidents/bill_clinton_birthplace.html (accessed on April 3, 2012)
10. http://www.state.gov/secretary/ (accessed on April 20, 2012)
11. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjclinton (accessed on April 6, 2012)
12. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjclinton (accessed on April 15, 2012)
References: 1. http://americanhistory.about.com/od/williamjclinton/p/pclinton.htm (accessed on 5, March 2012) 2 3. http://www.conservapedia.com/Bill_Clinton (accessed on March 5, 2012) 4 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewinsky_scandal (accessed on April 18,2012) 6 7. http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/Life-of-John-F-Kennedy.aspx (accessed on April 9, 2012) 8 9. http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/presidents/bill_clinton_birthplace.html (accessed on April 3, 2012) 10 11. http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/williamjclinton (accessed on April 6, 2012) 12
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