Redleg Lady’s Thumb is a low lying flowering plant that is best identified by its spike-like flowers. The spike is made up of clusters of small, pink, grain-like flowers, which are only 4 millimeters in length. The entire spikes of flowers range from 20-80 centimeters in length (Perlman). This plant flowers from June to October. After flowering, the plants produce seeds, which are small, glossy, and three sided. The seeds ripen from August to October (“Polygonum Persicaria-L”). The leaves of this plant are lanceolate. They are usually easily identifiable by a dark green smudge spanning across the middle of the leaf. These leaves are arranged in an alternate fashion (Perlman).…
1. 28.26 g of frozen spinach was obtained and dried with paper towel, then cut up into small pieces and placed in a 400 mL beaker.…
Lettuce and spinach become firm and crisp when placed in water because the cells absorb the water, and in turn makes the lettuce/spinach bloated with water.…
X. confertifolia Senior Biology 1 of 11 Topic 2 – Reading 7 Unit 7 X. tortifolia X. cronquistii 2 of 11 Senior Biology Unit 7 The state agent investigating the possible theft of the Anasazi pots sought expert advice from the state botanist regarding the daisy-like plants she had found. The botanist told the investigating agent that the daisies might represent different species.…
The Spinach (S in d.w) distilled water had a dot with the outer edges being darker green (Chlorophyll a) and the middle is lighter green (Chlorophyll b).…
Early medieval Irish literature thoroughly discusses the ideology of kingship; the tales about kingship both acted as exemplum literature for early Irish kings and, for modern scholars, elaborate on early Irish society 's values. Although there is no specific evidence which indicates that the tales were used as exemplum, it seems fairly clear. Certainly there was literature designed to educate king 's about their responsibilities. Audacht Morainn, a letter from an advisor to a prince, was clearly designed for just that purpose. The extent of the concern which early medieval literature has for kingship and, specifically, the values of kingship, indicates that this literature was intended for the education of kings as well as for entertainment. Having good kings was certainly very important to the medieval Irish; a good king secured peace and prosperity for his land. The reasons for the likely existence of exemplum literature for kings does not, however, indicate that the ki!…
Spinach is a long-day plant therefore it was able to grow better under a constant light source. This would have aided in the plant growing faster than other forms of plant species. When experimenting with the spinach plant blue light worked exceedingly well in making the plant grow faster with there being a decent amount of variations between the other colors. Blue light has a higher energy in the color spectrum and chlorophyll a and b absorbeds blue light better. Referring to the table, one can see that green caused the least amount of growth. This is because chlorophyll reflects green light, thus causing plants to take the appearance of being green.…
* Two grey balls w/ ventral nerve cord attached that runs down length of body.…
CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1. Drought and its types Okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus L. Monech) is an important vegetable grown in Pakistan and developing worl d and is equally favourite among the rich and poor. Due to its flower structure it is responsive to breed ing and selection, but l iterature on the genetics of drought tolerance in this ve getable is not freque ntly available.…
References: Assuncao, L. (1999). Trade Rules and Climate Change Policy : Some Issues of Synergy and Conflict, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva.…
Mathematical morphology (MM) is a theory and technique for the analysis and processing of geometrical structures, based on set theory, lattice theory, topology, and random functions. MM is most commonly applied to digital images, but it can be employed as well on graphs, surface meshes, solids, and many other spatial structures. Topological and geometrical continuous-space concepts such as size, shape, convexity, connectivity, and geodesic distance, were introduced by MM on both continuous and discrete spaces. MM is also the foundation of morphological image processing, which consists of a set of operators that transform images according to the above characterizations. MM was originally developed for binary images, and was later extended to grayscale functions and images. The subsequent generalization to complete lattices is widely accepted today as MM's theoretical foundation.…
PELSER, P. B., J. F. BARCELONA AND D. L. NICKRENT (eds). 2011 onwards. Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines, Retrieved From: Date Accessed: 24 February 2014.…
Since ampalaya has medicinal value, there has been much research done on its effectiveness as an herbal medicine for various ailments. Because of this, ampalaya has been considered as a great challenge for Filipinos to convert ampalaya into something beneficial. This is the reason why we focus our study on the acceptability of Ampalaya as Ampalaya Waffle and its utilization.…
Language in literature is used to create alternatives to the real world. In doing so, the precise choice and ordering of words is very important. It not only creates a substitute world for us but also determines our attitude to its inhabitants and the events that take place there. This dependence upon precise wording is why a literary text loses so much in paraphrase or translation. However, despite this importance of precise wording, the meanings of literary works are often disturbingly imprecise.…
Origin; comparative account of skeleton, circulatory, excretory and nervous systems, development (egg types, cleavage, blastula and gastrula, germ layer/formation, embryonic membranes and placentation) natural history (mode of life, migration, adaptations, biting mechanism of snakes).…