
Morris Water Maze Analysis

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Morris Water Maze Analysis
The detail of Morris water maze is as follows.
1. Preparation
1) A circular pool with a diameter of 150cm and a depth of 50cm. Use a white pool for black mice and black pool for white mice. The interior surface of the pool contains high contrast spatial cues, and they are above the water surface.
2) The test room are separated so that the animal being tested cannot see the observer during the test.
3) Put a 10cm diameter white platform in the white pool. Fill the pool with room temperature water until the platform is 1cm above the water surface.
4) Split the pool into 4 quadrants and create 5 platform subzones: one in the center of the pool, and one in each quadrant.
5) Use a program to track path length, escape latency, and time spent in
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Let them adjust to the new environment for 30 minutes before testing.
2) Put a red flag on the platform.
3) Put the mouse into the water, facing the edge of the pool, then leave the testing place.
4) If the mouse finds the platform within the 60s cut-off, let the mouse stay on the platform for 5s then return it to its cage. If the mouse cannot find the platform, put the mouse on the platform and let it stay on the platform for 20s then return it to its cage.
5) Begin each trial with a different platform location and starting direction.
3. Days 2-5: Hidden Platform
1) Remove the flag from the platform and add more water to the pool so that the water surface is above the platform.
2) For black mice, add white powdered paint to the pool to make the water opaque. Retest the mice as before.
4. Day 6: Probe Trial
Remove the platform from the pool and retest the mice with the starting direction farthest from the platform quadrant which is tested on Days 2-5.
5. Data analysis
1) Average the 5 trials each day to get a single path length and escape latency for each mice on Days 1-5. If there is no statistical difference on day 1, further analysis can be

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