350 words. University of California.
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to over this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? I woke up in the hospital, the room was stuffy and the air had a undertone of bleach. Beautiful framed pieces of art hang the wall. There were vases of flowers in the room. I look around, every surface was dustless. The nurses were unhurried, they moved with a serene peacefulness from room to room on their rounds. Above the double doors were large blue plastic signs with the area of the hospital that lie ahead. I got this overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry. Brick by brick my walls were tumbling down. The feeling punched through my empty stomach ripping through my bones, guts, and muscles. I knew Ms. Anna would be upset. Ms. Anna was a thin-faced, high cheek boned model that smiled at you from the dozen of magazine covers. She knew all the secrets. She knew that thin was good, thin was strong, thin was safe. She was my lifestyle teacher. …show more content…
Anna was the teacher you never wanted to meet or visit. She was like the ocean; she could consume you and swallow you whole. Ms. Anna taught me how to persevere in her classroom. How to weigh as little as possible, shrinking to a point where there was no more of me to give. Showing me how to expose the hills of my ribs, deep valleys between each bone, deserts of famished flesh. She taught me how to drop my grades in my other classes and how to strive in hers. She stole my eagerness for reading books; books that left me engrossed, absorbed almost in a trance. Books that transported me to another reality. She took that eagerness and snuffed it out with a pillow leaving it breathless, snuffed out like a lost flame - like