One of the main themes highlighted in the relationship of between Lindo and Waverly Jong, is that of parent/child conflict.
Lindo and Waverly were both brought up in different cultures. Lindo, experienced a rich Chinese upbringing where as Waverly's was a mixture of Chinese and Western culture. Throughout the novel, these cultural differences cause significant conflict between Lindo and Waverly.
Waverly finds her mother's Chinese ways old fashioned and embarrassing. An example of this, is when Waverly takes her mother to have a hair cut. "Auntie An-mei can cut me"� Lindo suggests. This cultural conflict between Eastern and Western society which is clearly evident in the relationship of Lindo and Waverly Jong, cannot be prevented as it is a result of their different upbringings.
The main conflicts which arise between Lindo and Waverly are based on Waverly's ability to play chess. Lindo's pride and attempt to live through her daughter is what drives Waverly to give up chess. Her mother's boastful ways leave her embarrassed and angry. "I wish you wouldn't do that, telling everybody I'm your daughter:"� This conflict remains unresolved for a very long time, significantly contributing to the communication problems of their relationship.
Lindo and Waverly have great difficulty in relating to one another, due to their lack of communication in the past. Thus causing conflict throughout the progression of their relationship. This can be seen when Waverly tries to tell Lindo of her marriage. Waverly finds this extremely difficult, as she feels overpowered by her mother.