The ultimate origins of English lie in Indo-European, a family of languages consisting of most of the languages of Europe as well as those of Iran, the Indian subcontinent, and other parts of Asia. Because little is known about ancient Indo-European (which may have been spoken as long ago as 3,000 B.C.), we 'll begin our survey in Britain in the first century A.D.…
No one denies the importance of the English language in the present time as a global language. It is clear that the English language has become very dominant around the world. This is one reason among many other reasons why I would like to do Year 11 Extension English in my senior years. English has become an important part of my life as I use it every day through many mediums, for example socialising or communicating. The advantage of learning the universal language of English has offered me those opportunities and many more. This is because English is the language of the modern era, where many people use it in various fields of life such as political, business or travel.…
A well-known musician once said, “ Realistically, English is a universal language; it’s the number one language…for communicating with the rest of the world.” English is the most widely used language in the history of the world. In 2015, there were sixty-seven sovereign states and twenty-seven non-sovereign entities where English was an official language. Additionally, many country’s subdivisions have declared English an official language at the local or regional level. Despite being the most widely used language in the world, English varies from country to country, and even from region to region! Each variety of English has its own set of rules and guidelines, as a result, a universal standard had to be proposed (The History of English: Origins…
Throughout the years the Saxons, Angels, and Jutes mixed their different languages together which resulted in what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English. Old English is very hard to understand and only a few experts can understand it this earliest form of English. About 1,100 years ago the next invasion came from a people called the Vikings. They came from Denmark, Norway, and other northern countries and they raided the coast areas of Britain looking for valuables like slaves and traded goods. Some Viking areas became so powerful that they started to build temporary bases and they eventually became permanent. Later, the Vikings stayed in Britain and many of the English words such as “sky”, “leg”, “skull”, “egg”, “lift”, and “crawl” came from the ancient Vikings and are also from the old languages of the far northern countries. More than 900 years ago, in 1066, the next invasion took place and history experts call it the invasion of Norman Conquest. This conquest was led by William the conqueror. The Normans were French speakers from Normandy in the north of France and became rulers over Britain. These rulers only spoke French for several hundred years and at that time it was…
It was about time for me to read another non-fiction book. This is an irreverant and often-humorous look at the history and quirks of the English language, covering both British and American English and the distinctions between them (and touching briefly on Australian as well).…
Today the English language is widely spoken throughout the world. It is the language of 21st century the language of informative technologies, so while describing the English language; first of all it should be underlined that the English language is the mother tongue of the global media. To understand English clearly one should know not only its standard vocabulary but also its different styles, dialects, proverbs, sayings, phrasal verbs and idioms, as they are used in any sphere: books, films, newspapers, formal speeches. One, looking through some papers, magazines and journals, will discover the same language to sound quite different, because he will find familiar words with unfamiliar meanings. He will face idioms, phrasal verbs etc.…
English has become the first `truly global language` (McCrum et al., 2002, p.9). As a result of advances in technology and transport, varieties of English have spread throughout the world. This internationalisation has been described by Shreeve as an `identified phenomenon` (1999, p.1). English now underpins the lives and cultures of a broad spectrum of people, with one in four people in the world now fluent users of English (Crystal, 2002, p.10).…
Old English is concentrated between the years 450 and 1150ad. In the year 449 Germanic Tribes known as the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded England. This is after the Romans had already built a thriving civilization, complete with a massive road system. It is thought that the tribes terrorized the natives and forced many out of their homeland. Their German language blended with those Celtic and Welsh residents who decided to stay. This is where the meld of Old English began.…
The English language is the most widespread language in the world spanning every continent and extending to almost every nook and corner across the globe. From its humble beginnings as an Anglo-Saxon language it has become a vibrant language embracing and absorbing words and phrases from many foreign languages and this has gained wide popularity. However, greatly influenced by a large number of contributions from poets, playwrights, novelists and writers of various prose forms of the English language.…
Old English was the first period of English in which English started to acquire the characteristic that will remain over history “mixing”. From this period on English was a language that was mixed with different languages, particularly those from Saxons, Angles, and Jutes. Moreover, there were some other cultures that influenced the language spoken on the old England. Romans Danes and Norsemen also influenced the English language.…
Around A.D. 850, Vikings or Norsemen made a significant impact on the English language by importing many North Germanic words into the language. From the middle of the ninth century, large numbers of Norse invaders settled in Britain, especially in the northern and eastern areas and, in the eleventh century, a Danish (Norse) King, Canute, ruled England. The North Germanic speech of the Norsemen had a fundamental influence on English. They added basic words such as “that,” “they,” and “them,” and also may have been responsible for some of the morphological simplification of Old English, including the loss of grammatical gender and cases (Bragg 2003).…
English is widely used in the world. It has often been referred to as a "world language".…
English has become one of the most important languages around the world through speaking, different accents and words. The power of this language has been determined by the important of United States as economic leader and the expansion of British colonial power explained Cristal (59).…
As the 21st Century arises, English language plays very important roles in different fields. In education, technology, science and researches, medicine, and even in the government.…
As we know that we are living in the world of globalization. English language is common language and is spoken in many countries. It is considered as universal language. Most of the universities worldwide include English as one of their major subject.…