Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan
Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies.
Team Member Name
Summary of Individual Characteristics
Motivational Strategy and Action Plan
Relevant Theory
Lori Credico
With employee Lori Credico her self-assessments indicated that a job satisfaction rating was below average. Lori is affected by her moods only moderately and is also a deliberate decision maker, and exhibits positive emotions.
To talk to Lori more and see as a manager what I can do to make sure she likes her job more that way her job satisfaction rating would not be below average. I would Also let her know that I am happy with her showing positive emotions.
To make her enjoy her job more to be a more productive and happy employee.
Holly Hunter
. Holly Hunter was above average with her rating in the job performance, she is moderately affected by moods, shows both rash and deliberate decision-making and demonstrates fairly neutral emotions.
I would make sure that Holly is always happy with her job because she is above average with her rating in job performance. I would explain to her though that taking a little bit more time when making decisions instead of deliberated ones.
To always make sure she is happy and not to change much with Holly so she can stay productive.
Jonathan Cervantes
. Jonathan Cervantes showed a low level of job satisfaction, high in affect intensity, is a deliberate decision maker and exhibited positive emotions on his self-assessments.
As a manager I would sit down with Jonathan in a nice