The list of questions can carry out for pages .When it comes to terms like motivation and job satisfaction is more or less hard to give concrete answers that are relevant and valid. We know that there are many psychologists and what not that offered us many theories on what motivation is , on what motivates employees and where the job satisfaction or dissatisfaction come from. But what stands to be an applicable theory for ones, is not for others because we are individuals with different behaviours. In this essay I will present how the class on this subject changed or didn’t change the way I used to think about this subject.
Before this subject was brought in class I didn’t search to understand these theories or to apply it in the real life, in the working place. I couldn’t see the link between behaviour and motivation, or even job satisfaction and motivation. I just thought that Maslow’s theory was more or less true and that people are motivated by certain hierarchical needs and in order for them to reach a higher step in the pyramid they need to have fulfilled the previous steps, but I don’t think it is quite like that anymore. This theory has changed its logic for me, because not only people can look for self-actualisation but they can have one or more of the other needs