Goal-Setting TheoryThe goal setting theory builds upon the expectation and equity theories by suggesting management ensure each member of the team achieve high performance by focusing on the types of goals that will be most effective in producing high motivation. According to Locke (1968), proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation. Locke also disputed that performance is shaped by goal difficulty and goal specif. When a person can be more specific and difficult to the goal then would give a higher performance from the person. To see that when people want to achieve that goal by setting their own goal can be likely to be intrinsically motivated to be more focused.
In the customer service are of my company has a team of four people. The company is currently going to be switching over to a new computer system. Achieving a goal for our team is to know that the new system is going to be a difficult task. The past week the team has had training on the new system.
The customer service representatives have to establish that certain goals have to be met before the company goes "live." Within the certain goals the team