With the rapid development of economic globalization, internationalization is becoming the development tendency of lots of organizations as it is becoming increasingly more beneficial to develop organizations’ competitiveness against their competitors (Ebner, 2001). Wilson (2006) states that internationalization provide organizations opportunities to participate in lots of cross-border activities quickly which may make a contribution to not only organizations’ revenue growth, but also their knowledge exchange and capabilities enhancement, thereby internationalization strengthens organizations’ long-term competitiveness. However, organizational internationalisation is a two-edged sword. Organizations may be impacted by some factors in the international environment, products or service which the organizations provided may be culturally sensitive in the host country as different countries have their cultural difference (Czinkota, et al. 2007). Therefore, international environment may influence organizations’ management activity to some extent, especially, the implementation of international marketing strategies and the marketing mix. This essay analyses the detail of different factors encourage organizations to internationalize and explain why and how the factors encourage organizations by using “push versus pull theories”. Meanwhile, it also evaluates the culturally sensitive of products or service in the host country and its influences of different organizations’ international marketing strategies and the implementation of the marketing mix.
In the last decades, the term “internationalization” has received significant attention with the development of globalization. Categora (et al., 2010) simply defined internationalisation as a process which