During my early school life, I was always in close proximity with teachers, parents, and all other people who could see the bigger meaning of a thing and explain it to me. I was eager and trying to know more about what is going on around me, from homework equations, various machines and airplanes to various aspects of life. I wanted to be in the place where I could have a closer look at different inventions and be able to help others.
I aspire to one day become the person who would make a difference and make my own changes, alterations, and improvements on such scientific inventions. I cannot live and leave this world as a normal man who never made a difference. Rather, I seek to make this world a better place and to carve my own signature on this life.
Throughout my school education, I was among the excellent students who scored high rates and I found my place among fellow class leaders. I discovered a real attraction to physics, machine mechanisms, and electromechanical systems in high school. From that point, driven by this new-found fascination, I became focused on the field of mechanical engineering specifically and I persevered to excel in anything that would bring me closer to my goal. Since I enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program at the Applied Science University in Jordan, as my knowledge in the subject grew, geared up from my love to the subject, I started to have special attention to design, power, thermodynamics and fluid sciences. I’m determined to continue my graduate studies to Master’s and PhD in this