Origin of the report:
In today’s world only academic education does not make a student perfect to become competitive with the outside world. This term paper is highly needed to gain practical data, knowledge and experience. Grameenphone limited is a place where we would learn their telecommunicating service and their employee motivation policy. We faced a lot of problems to organize this term paper and I tried my best to fulfill this term paper. As instructed in the course schedule, we had to prepare a term paper of “Employee Motivation of Grameenphone Limited “supervised of Dr. Md. Morshed Hasan Khan, Faculty of Business Studies, Jahangirnagar University.
Two types of objectives are given below:
➢ Broad objective:
• To present an overview and brief introduction to GP
• To learn about the motivation approaches to employees used by GP
• To learn about dealing with employees
➢ Special objective:
• To gain a relationship between theoretical and practical learning real life situation of GP
• To identify the motivational factors of GP
• To identify the different sectors those have direct involvement with employee motivation.
• To give some suggestions for the maintenance of employee motivation
Both primary and secondary forms of information have been used to prepare this report. The details of these sources are highlighted below.
➢ Primary sources:
• Discussions with the employees of GP
• Informal conversation with the employees of customer service
• Different manuals of GP
➢ Secondary sources:
• Annual report of GP
• Information regarding the telecommunication service
• Different books and periodicals related to the telecommunication sectors
• Newspapers
• Website information
Briefly, we face the following limitation during preparing the term
References: ➢ David A. DeCenzo, Stephen P. Robbins (2007-2008), “Fundamentals of Human Resource Management” – 8th edition, Liberty of congress cataloging-in-publication Data(34-52) ➢ John W ➢ Argyris, Chris (1994). “Good Communication That Blocks Learning.” Harvard Business Review, 72(4), 77-85. ➢ Argyris, Chris and D. Schoen (1996). Organizational Learning II: Theory Method, and Practice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.