Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan
|Team Member Name |Summary of Individual Characteristics |Motivational Strategy and Action Plan |Relevant Theory |
| | |A progressive training program that will develop the skills | |
| | |necessary to complete the required functions of the job may | |
|Vicki D. |Has low job satisfaction and low engagement due to a|assist with the lack of job satisfactions and disengagement, | |
| |lack of skills and knowledge. Appears to be more |This will also lead to higher productivity and improve the | |
| |concerned about recognition/monetary rewards and |quality of work. Recognizing these achievements and providing |Cognitive Evaluation |
| |incentives than personal goal achievement |appropriate feedback will motivate the employee. | |
| | | |Reinforcement Theory |
| |Exhibits positive attitude and is very engaged. Self|Recognition and regular performance appraisals that provide | |
|Marissa P. |motivated to achieve not only personal but also |feedback on performance and