I worked for one year as the English department supervisor at the largest chained English Center in Taiwan. My main tasks are to recruit new teachers, to arrange class schedules for them, and to provide them with life supports. Some other minor tasks are coordinating class schedule for each branch, textbook translating, TOEFL/GRE tests proctoring, and handling students’ complaints.
Skill Variety (5 points): Since this position is mainly about office work and paper filing/preparation, I only gave 5 points for the skill variety. There was not much skills required besides English speaking ability for this position. Most of the tasks are repetitive after I started the job for 3 months. In other words, this position is easily replaceable since there is no professional skill required.
Task Identity (9 points): I gave 9 points for task identity because I was required to take care each teacher’s affairs thoroughly from recruitment to work VISA application to Contract termination, etc. It was an individual work that no other person will cooperate with me to execute. However, in some cases, my boss will make some important decision for me if it is going to affect the company or financial situations, such as pay raise requests from the teachers.
Task Significance (10 points): Though the position is easily replaceable, the position is fairly important in the company. Without the department supervisor, all the branches will be in chaos. Teachers wouldn’t be able to communicate with the company, and it would be really complicated for my boss to manage each branch since there are 60 of them all throughout Taiwan.
Autonomy (9 points): As mentioned from the task identity section, I was able to make most of the decisions by myself. I was only required to inquire my boss when making important decisions or in cases that I do not know what to do.
Feedback (7 points): I gave myself 7 points in feedback because I think