Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan
Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies.
|Team Member Name |Summary of Individual Characteristics |Motivational Strategy and Action Plan |Relevant Theory |
| |Daneana scored slightly below the means in job |The motivational strategy recommended for Daneana is the |The relevant theory pertaining to the motivational |
| |satisfaction but scored high in the employee |participative management approach. This approach would allow her|strategy is McClelland’s Theory of Needs. The theory |
|Daneana Mitchell |engagement and current emotions self-assessments. |to actively participate in the decision-making process with her |recognizes achievement, power, and affiliation as |
| |There may be certain job aspects that affected her |supervisors to promote trust and confidence in the management |three significant needs that motivate individuals. |
| |job satisfaction score such as compensation, |team. More input from Nena would increase her autonomy, increase|Nena is seeking to meet her needs for achievement, |
| |promotional opportunities, or job responsibilities. |productivity, and promote job satisfaction. Although this |power, and affiliation. McClelland’s theory addresses|
| |However, she demonstrates the willingness to