Ways to Increase Performance and Productivity
Prepared for:
Dr. Michael O 'Conner
English 210 Instructor
439 Shilling Hall
Millikin University
Decatur, Illinois 62522
Prepared by:
Michael Merten
English 210 Student
215A Oakland Hall
Millikin University
Decatur, Illinois 62522
(217) 420-6526
Date of Submission: May 1, 1997
Owners and managers of businesses across the United States all have the
same problem. This problem has to do with reaching maximum employee performance and
productivity. Many owners and managers do not know how to correct this major problem.
The purpose of this report is to provide employers with a wide range of motivational
strategies for achieving excellence by enhancing employee performance and productivity.
My role in relation to this problem is to decide as an employee which strategy I would
like imposed on me. However, sometimes the employee does not have a choice. My role as a
writer of this report is to inform owners and managers of different motivational strategies they
can utilize.
During my research I have compiled several motivational strategies I believe are excellent.
These strategies include organizational behavior modification, rewarding high performance,
setting goals, building effective work teams, reducing employee stress, and enhancing employee
participation. I have included examples of these strategies used by companies who had
performance and productivity problems.
Table Of Contents
List of Illustrations..............................................................................iv
Executive Summary ..............................................................................1
Cited: Rosenbaum, Bernard L. How To Motivate Today 's Worker. New York: McGraw- Hill Book Company, 1982. Penguin Book Inc., 1970.