Employee Empowerment Microsoft is a company well known for its innovation in software and technology. However, Microsoft is also a company that has remarkable innovation in regard to employee empowerment. Microsoft realizes that without its employees they are nothing and to keep these employees within the company, thinking up new ideas and creating revenue they need to feel empowered. Not only empowered but also a sense of trust in their management. Microsoft values their employees so much that they entrust recruitment of new employees to current employees. “The mantra “Spread the Love,” which speaks to employees spreading the word about Microsoft, as well as the recruiting organization giving back to our employees to enable and recognize their ambassadorship” (McLeish, J. 2008). This speaks highly of both Microsoft employees and management. This statement, made by a Microsoft executive, lets it be known that they have an abundance of confidence in their employees so much so that they look to them to recruit future employees. That is empowerment at its finest. Letting ones employees know that they trust them to bring the best of the best to the company and shape the future of the company is a big responsibility and Microsoft does this willingly. The preceding example is only one way in which Microsoft empowers their employees. Microsoft knows that an empowered employee means an employee who is well taken care of and knows his or her value to the
References: Bishop, T. (2004, May 20). Microsoft Trims Benefits to Cut Costs. Retrieved April 26, 2008, from Seattlepi.com Web site: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/174131_msftbenefit20.html Duncan, C. (2007, September 26). The Concept of Team in the Work Place. Retrieved April 27, 2008, from http://www.associatedcontent.com Gates, B. (n.d.). Employee Quotations.. Retrieved April 28, 2008, from AfterQuotes Web site: http://www.afterquotes.com/great/quotes/employee.htm McConnell, S. (1996, September/October). Microsoft: A Highly Motivated Environment. Retrieved April 27, 2008, from http://stevemcconnell.com McLeish, J. (2008). Microsoft Leverages Engaged Employees to “Spread the Word”. Retrieved April 26, 2008, from, www.employeefactor.com. Microsoft (2008). Microsoft 's Business. Retrieved April 27, 2008, from http://www.microsoft.com Motivate Your Employees to Help You Succeed. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2008, from Microsoft Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/australia/smallbusiness/themes/build-your-business/motivate-your-employees-to-help-you-succeed.mspx