In the eighteen hundreds, life was very different from today. There were no televisions, washing machines, modern cooking ranges, or any modern appliance. Overall, life was much more difficult then than it is today. In these times, there were certain gender roles to which each respective sex had to adhere. There are certain gender roles even today, but these have evolved since earlier times. For example, in the 1800 's, women were expected to be the quintessential mother woman. They were expected to run the household, take care of the children, and adore the husband. The husband however, was expected to go out and work to provide for his wife and children. While these gender roles may seem unfair and stereotypical to a person today, they were a result of societal evolution, just like the roles further evolved to what they are today. Kate Chopin was born in 1851, and lived a mostly fortunate childhood, growing up exposed to many arts. She married at seventeen, and was a graduate. Her husband gave her much freedom to do what she pleased, and she utilized that freedom to become an author. She had six children by 1881, and she wrote The Awakening in 1899. Most of her writings had a slight feminine theme to them, for example, literary critic Patricia Bradley uses the example "the bird imagery Chopin uses to set the opening scene in The Awakening to similar uses in George Bernard Shaw 's feminist essay "The Womanly Woman"" (Bradley 40). There is also a theme in Chopin 's writing, according to author Allen Stein that wives fail to find fulfillment in their marriages, and then are driven to adultery, desertions and suicide (Stein 357). The Awakening was not received well by the public however, and she eventually quit writing because of this. After that she dedicated herself to her family for the rest of her life, which ended the second of August, 1934. The novel The Awakening was about a woman who decided not to conform to the norms of society, and she…
Souryal, Sam S. (2007). Ethics in Criminal Justice: In search of the Truth (4th ed.). Cincinnati,…
Sigmund Freud, a Jewish Austrian neurologist that developed a wonderful theory in 1915 that stated all behavior is motivated and that the primary purpose of someone’s behavior was to serve the satisfaction of needs. This serves to be true in two or more situations in the common workplace. For instance, if company morale is low, there is a very slim chance that the company as a whole will be doing well. People are driven by their need to feel satisfied and wanted at the same time. Therefore, when others exhibit behavior that is non-favorable, it is most likely due to their lack of being satisfied. Behavior can either be motivated in a positive and negative direction.…
* Principle that performance on a task is best when arousal level is appropriate to the difficulty of the task:…
Mrs. Sheets had the vision to plan and predict what the customers expected and instituted a support and training program that allows the employees to learn not only the basics of moving the customer valuables, but also business principles.…
Like many organizations today health care institutions are transforming or restructuring, using many motivating techniques. Whatever term used, process improvement, job design, restructuring, it amounts to downsizing. Even small change effects will reach not only the employees but also the customer and suppliers.…
Differentiate between the 4 major theories on motivation: instincts/evolutionary, drive-reduction, hierarchy of needs, and arousal theory. Discuss their origins, and explain why they cannot fully account for human behavior.…
Management Summary This Bachelor Thesis will yield insights in the applicability of motivational theories across cultures. Within a globalizing working environment this research will provide relevant information on how to motivate employees with a different cultural background. The research combines the theory of Hofstede’s four dimensions (Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism/Collectivism and Masculinity/Femininity) with two theories of motivation; (1) extrinsic motivational theory and (2) intrinsic motivational theory. The Japanese and the Chinese culture are first subjected to the four dimensions of Hofstede, and later they are analyzed for the applicability of one or both motivational theories. The Japanese culture values harmony highly and is very collectivistic. However, the country is tending towards more individuality. Furthermore, the Japanese accept a natural order; which implies a high degree of power distance. In addition to that the Japanese are uncertainty avoidant. Regarding the last dimension of Hofstede Japan can be characterized as shifting from a masculine culture towards a more feminine culture. The Chinese culture shows some resemblance with the Japanese culture. This culture, too, is collectivistic and has a high valuation of harmony. And, again, a high degree of acceptance of hierarchy can be found in the Chinese culture. Furthermore, the Chinese are rather uncertainty avoidant; this can be seen in aspects as fear of the loss of face. On the last dimension of Hofstede, the Chinese score in between, tending a bit more towards femininity. The outcome of this Thesis shows that none of both motivational theories can be applied across cultures. This means…
Motivation within the workplace is crucial in keeping employees happy and in keeping business’ running smoothly. To do this one has to be creative and use a variety of different motivational techniques as people are motivated in different ways. Motivation is defined as, a person who shows persistence when completing tasks despite challenges to complete a goal. A person that is considered to be highly motivated will possess three qualities, intensity or effort, persistence or being committed, and direction or a clear path to behaviors that lead to positive outcomes (Youssef & Noon, 2012). In addition to the apparent motivators, one must consider what is known as Negative Motivational Gravity described by Rundle-Gardiner & Carr, 2005, as metaphor for understanding attitudes and intentions towards individual achievement in organizations. Achievement Motivation has been linked to an individual being persistent or quitting a task where the expectations seem to be unrealistically high; either raising or lowering one’s threshold for tolerance. The acronym OCEAN stands for openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. These are the Big Five personality traits that can help in determining how an employee may react to motivation and their tolerance for negative motivation (Rundle-Gardiner & Carr, 2005). This paper we will share three ways to motivate others in the workplace, discuss creating a strategy to enhance motivation in the workplace, compare and contrast two motivational theories, and discuss the benefits and downfalls to offering financial incentives in the workplace (Youssef & Noon, 2012).…
Layoffs at high-involvement workplaces such as fortune 500 companies, the management strategies that give employees the skills, information, and motivation to be competitive, can be markedly more detrimental than layoffs at an average company.…
Individuals join and work in organizations to fulfill their needs. They are paying attention to organizations that have the means of sustaining their needs. These means are called incentives of rewards; organizations use them to encourage individuals to contribute their efforts toward achieving organizational goals. The continued existence of an organization depends on its ability to interest and encourage individuals to accomplish these organizational and personal goals. Newman (2010), “Motivation is defined as goal-directed behavior. It concerns the level of effort one exerts in pursuing a goal. Managers are concerned with this concept because it is closely related to employee satisfaction and job performance” (Para. The Concept of Motivation).…
The social worker is involved in the process of making referrals to link a family or person to needed resources. Social work professionals do not simply provide information. They also follow up to be sure the needed resources are attained. This requires knowing resources, eligibility requirements, fees and the location of services.…
Ask any person who is successful in whatever he or she is doing what motivates him/her, and very likely the answer will be "goals". Goal Setting is extremely important to motivation and success. So what motivates you? Why are you in college? If you are in college because that's what your parents want, you may find it difficult to motivate yourself. Sure, it's possible to succeed with someone else providing the motivation for you. ("If you graduate from college, I'll give you a car!" or worse "If you don't graduate from college, you won't get a car.") But motivation that comes from within really makes the difference. Theories have been developed over the years as to what motivates us and those theories are what I intend to discuss.…
P3: Describe Taylor, Maslow and Herzberg theories. Give examples of rewards to show how FMG motivate employees based on each theory…
Averrhoa bilimbi (commonly known as bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel) is a fruit-bearing tree of the genus Averrhoa, family Oxalidaceae. It is a close relative of carambola tree.…