John L. Crompton Department of Recreation & Parks Texas A&M University, USA
Crompton, John L., "Motivations for Pleasure Vacations," Annals of Tourism Research, October/December 1979, VI(4):408-424. The study is concerned with identifying those motives of pleasure vacationers which influence the selection of a destination. It also seeks to develop a conceptual framework capable of encompassing such motives. Empirically nine motives were identified. Seven were classified as socio-psychological, namely: escape from a perceived mundane environment, exploration and evaluation of self, relaxation, prestige, regression, enhancement of kinship relationships, and facilitation of social interaction. The two remaining motives, novelty and education, formed the alternate cultural category. The latter were noted to be at least partially aroused by the particular qualities that a destination offered. By contrast sociopsychological motives were found to be unrelated to destination attributes. Here the emphasis shifted from the destination itself to its function as a medium through which socio-psychological needs could be satisfied. The research data suggest that the tourist industry may usefully pay greater attention to socio-psychological motives in developing product and promotion strategies. Keywords: motives, pleasure vacations, sociopsychological, cultural.
John L. Crompton is an Assistant Professor in the (Department of Recreation and Parks at Texas A&M University. His research interests are primarily in the area of consumer behavior and marketing as they apply to tourism development and to non-profit leisure organizations. 408 ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH Oct/Dec '79
RESUME Crompton, John L. "La Motivation pour les voyages d ' a g r 6 m e n t , " Annals of Tourism Research, october/decembre 1979, VI(4):408-424. Ce travail s'engage h isoler les motivations des vacanciers qui influencent le choix d°une destination. II
Bibliography: 3, 1978 Revision submitted June 4, 1979 Accepted July 5, 1979 Refereed anonymously tourist