During the 1950's Ernesto Guevara, a medical student, and his biochemist friend Alberto Grandado embark on a thrilling motorcycle trip through the coastal countries of South America. One of the opening scenes begins with a point of view shot of a long forever ending road. The camera moves adjacent to the bike giving the realistic effect of the bike moving fast along the empty roads, gaining a sense of freedom and enjoyment for the pair.
In the course of their travel, Ernesto and Alberto discover the reality of their country filled with suffering, injustice and oppression affecting the lower classes of the social hierarchy. The journey allows the two protagonists to face self-discovery and come to terms with the class distinctions which are prevalent in the Latin-American society. Salles explores the concept of self-discoveryThe time spent at San Pablo, a leper colony in Peru served the purpose of further developing the self-discovery within the characters. In the leper colony, a river physically and metaphorically represents the social inequalities and differences which separate the classes of the social hierarchy that is, the staff living on the north side of the river, separated from the lepers living