Motorola Inc. was established at 1928. The products are divided into two independent public companies, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions on January 4, 2011. The company entried into the mobile radio communications area by the initial car radio, after developing it becomes to be one of the largest electronics corporation in the United States.
2.0 Planning
2.1 First step
The basic principle of Motorola Inc. is to increase the market share. So they began the international expansion. The oversea sales office is the department founded in the direct countries to collect the informations and it does not work for profit even loss in operation. The company sets the oversea sales offices to get the feedback of target countries and research opportunities like the TianJin oversea subsidiaries in 1992. Setting the overseas sale office will help to gain the access to a range of advice and help of the local Governmental assistances, trade opportunities and the advice about licenses.
The mean of cost-effective is that giving the best possible profit or benefits in comparison with the money that is spent.
2.2 Second step
Joint-venture is that a contractual agreement joining together two or more parties for the purpose of executing a particular business undertaking. All the parties agree to share in the profits and losses of the enterprise. The mean is the two or more companies constract a companies in others’ land commonly. For example, the joint venture between Eastern Communications Co.,Ltd. and Motorola Inc. in 1996 not only help the Eastern Communications Co.,Ltd. promoting the technology and the management ability, but also help Motorola Inc. share the market share in China.
The definition of merger is the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one. There is a merger of Google and Motorola Mobility in 2011. (merger of Codex and motorola)
The mean of acquisition is a corporate action in which