One scene in this movie wherein the sound aspect, specifically musical and melodrama, clearly stands out is the "Elephant Love Medley" scene. This scene is very formalistic because it makes no pretense at realism. Like music, wherein most people rely on to retire in their difficult moments, this scene is a form of escapism as well. Here, Christian, who is played by Ewan McGregor, persuades Satine, who is played by Nicole Kidman, to be with him through singing and dancing. Luhrmann uses a melody of the most popular love songs of the twentieth century to perfectly describe Christian's feelings for Satine. It is an extreme and unusual way of expressing love that does not occur in one's daily life. This signifies his ability go to extreme lengths to express his love for Satine; in this case, through singing love songs. Guray 2
Moreover, in this melodramatic scene, Luhrmann successfully heightens the intense emotions generated by conflicts between Christian and Satine, who represent very clear defined moral positions, through music. In the beginning of the scene, Christian argues with Satine about falling in love. After breaking into song and dance, Satine is slowly drawn into believing in what he's singing and starts singing as well. The music seemed to have manipulated her. She entirely allows