Through a variety of genres and film techniques, Baz Luhrmann conveys his characters to the ideals of the Bohemian Revolution; these ideals are that of truth, beauty, freedom and love. The four genres that have been studied and explored are tragedy, comedy, musical and love. Luhrmann’s ability to combine these genres throughout important moments of the film help to engage the audience in observing the bohemian ideals that certain characters possess. Satine, Christian and the Duke are the three characters that are going to be deconstructed. Satine and Christian demonstrate the ideal values of the Bohemians. However, the Duke shows the contrasting traits and that of the Bourgeois, these conflicting sets of beliefs assist in showing the diversity between Bourgeois values and the Bohemian ideals of the time.
Due to the values of the bourgeois, the bohemian beliefs are also being conveyed as nearly the opposite. This is seen through the genre of tragedy towards Satine. One of the most important scenes throughout the movie that demonstrates tragedy is ‘Tango De Roxanne.’ The script displays the values of bourgeois in this scene when The Duke states, “I will make you a star.” This quote shows the ultimate control that the Duke has over Satine and opposes the bohemian ideal of freedom; it also demonstrates the Dukes attention towards status. The use of the dialogue demonstrates how he cares about status. The importance of their beliefs can be linked back to the ideals of the Bohemian Revolution because their principles are opposite to those of bourgeois. Another form of tragedy in the song was when Satine was on the balcony with the Duke and looks down to see Christian. By using the prop of the balcony, a heightened atmosphere of complete tragedy is forming. It highlights how they are being stripped away from each other because of the ideals of bourgeois controlling people with money compared to the bohemians who believe in “love over everything