Factors That Make Mount & Blade Awesome
There is no aim to the game. You can spend your time as a trader, or you can raise an army and take over the map. You can run around solving quests, help a sovereign regain its throne, or pillage and burn your way to riches. Here are a few other factors that make Mount & Blade an awesome game.
The Bow And Arrow Mechanics Are Sublime
Many people have admired …show more content…
Legolas on LOTR and then jumped right on to M&B to start spearing people with arrows. The physics are prefect, the effect of each arrow works according with your bow strength, shot power and the enemy’s armor. Plus, you get more experience point for shots that are more difficult.
Training Your Troops Makes An Obvious Difference To Their Abilities
As you train your troops, they become better armored and more skilled. Your highly trained archers can darken the skies with their higher shot output and better aim. Your poorly trained horsemen will be hammered down by a small team of axmen, whereas your highly-trained knights will cut through clusters of enemies like a hot knife through butter.
Your Experience Points And Level Upgrades make A Noticeable Difference
Improve your strength, and your axe will cut through men in one slice. Improve your agility, and you will be firing off shots like as fast as a gangster’s Tommy Gun. Improve your leadership skills, and your army will swell from ten or twenty to thousands.
Set Your Own Course
Feeling imperialistic? Then start sacking towns one by one and stationing men in them to protect them. Want the life of a trader? Find the sexiest selling trends and make a fortune by exploiting supply and demand? Want respect and honor? Take up maiden’s and king’s quests and earn epic amounts of experience.
The Campaign Map Is In Real Time
Mount And Blade is not like Total War. It isn’t real-time battles with a turn-based campaign map. Your troop is represented by a walking man or a horse, and time passes normally as you move. It even turns from night to day, and you can camp out to refill your life bar and revive a few of your troops.
You May Gain Permanent Allies
Have troops join your cause as you go along and train them up to do your bidding. That is all fun and good, but you may also gain new allies. They are NPC characters that are just like you. You can add and remove armor, alter their levels to suit, and you can even give them lands so that you do not have to defend your entire realm yourself. You can even train them up to plug the gaps in your own skills. For example, you can train one of them as a medic to ensure fewer of your troops are killed during battles.
Games Similar To Mount And Blade
Frankly, there are very few games like Mount And Blade because it took an epic amount of skill and developer dexterity to make the game. It stands relatively alone in its field, but there are some games that allow you to experience different elements of Mount & Blade, so here are a few you may like to consider.
Sid Meier's Pirates
You wouldn’t think that Sid Meiers would be any good at creating pirate games, especially ones with a real-time mechanic. Nevertheless, his Pirates game isn’t bad if you like that sort of thing. Honestly, the game is very little like Mount & Blade because very few games are like M&B. Nevertheless, the swordplay element is slightly similar to what you experience in Mount And Blade. You strike from different angles, you block, and you move around to get a better swinging position.
The annoying thing about Sid Meier's Pirates is its lack of developer support. I had to go to the online community to help fix its bugs and get it working on Windows 10. Some say the fact you can sack cities is also another reason why Sid Meier's Pirates is similar to M&B, and where I agree in theory, the process of sacking, the act itself, the after-effect and the benefits are all very different.
Kenshi is an open-ended RPG, and you get to fight swarms of bandits on a real-time 3D map. The free-roaming element makes it similar to Mount And Blade, and you can pick your own path in life--be it a trader, warlord, rebel or thief.
One of the most noticeable differences is the fact that Kenshi lacks character and often feels vapid and hollow. You are running around doing your own thing, but it is tough to figure out your own motivation. Much of the time, you have to find ways of making your own fun. That is not to say that Kenshi is a bad game, in fact, it deserves is positive online reputation, but it just cannot compete with Mount And Blade.
War of the roses
Some of the fight mechanics in “War of the roses” the game are very similar to Mount And Blade. They are similar in terms of how you swipe in different directions, and how your position with regards to your enemy makes a difference on how effective your strike is. Your strike also has a different effect based on where you strike, how hard, and with what weapon you strike. In these respects, it is fair to say that many of the fight mechanics are similar to Mount & Blade. Even the sound effects of iron crushing bone are crispy and juicy at the same time.
The game involved running around and take part in medieval-style battles with other online players. Sadly, the developers have removed the game from the servers and deleted it from online hosts. You cannot even play LAN versions of the game because of a lack of support. The game was officially closed down on the 28th of February 2017. The game only had 2500 active players when it shut down. If you want to play, you will have to wait for GOG.com to resurrect it as they have done with so many other old and abandoned games.
If you were quickly shown a clip of a character running around a village in Fable, and quickly shown a clip of a character running around a village in M&B, you could be forgiven for thinking they are the same game. In truth, the skins in Fable are more textured, even if they are stretched over less complex objects. In Fable, you get to run around various locations cutting up enemies and slicing the snot from the nose of angry villains.
Yet, Fable differs from Mount & Blade in a wide variety of ways. For example, Fable has a very strong and linear story, whereas you make your own story in M&B. Fable is more about story progression and fighting, whereas Mount And Blade is an open-world sandbox game where the story goes the direction you lead it. Nevertheless, if you would like to experience something similar to the Mount & Blade fighting style, then try Fable because it is a fairly decent game for people who like story-focused RPG games.
Mount and Blade Mods
If you have seen the trailers for the games listed above, and you are not too impressed, then try a few of the Mount And Blade mods.
Once you have compulsively played your 200 hours of Mount And Blade, you may try their most popular upgrade, which is Mount And Blade Warband. It improves a wide variety of Mound & Blade functions. It slightly alters the bladed combat, and it changes the way a swing does damage when you attack on horseback. It also gives your horse a life bar, so you know how long it will be before your horse craps out on you.
Your horse cannot die permanently like your men do, but if it is cut down too often then it becomes lame and you find yourself hobbling around on a clunky dustbin with four legs that has all the charging power of a baby goose. There are also more weapons, armor, items, lands, kingdoms, people, quests and NPC interactions. Do not short sell yourself by getting WarBand or any of the other mods first. Give yourself a good 200 hours with Mount And Blade first, and then move on to the mods. You will better appreciate the upgrades once you have become accustomed to the base