In order for the launch of Mountain Man Light to be successful, several factors would have to align to obtain the goal of MMBC obtaining significant initial market share and subsequent years’ growth in the light-beer market. First, the new campaign targeting the light beer consumers, which consists largely of younger drinkers, would not erode the company’s brand equity by alienating its core customer base, consisting of the “swing” and baby boomer generations. (Abelli, 2007) Second, MMBC would have to minimize the light beer’s cannibalization of its lager. MMBC’s sales staff would have to convince off-premise retailers to grant MMBC “incremental shelf space” instead of substituting cases of light product for the lager product. MMBC would also have to be certain that the light’s sales would compensate for any potential cannibalization of lager’s sales. Third, Chris would need to convince the senior management team that light’s sales would generate a profit in two years after
In order for the launch of Mountain Man Light to be successful, several factors would have to align to obtain the goal of MMBC obtaining significant initial market share and subsequent years’ growth in the light-beer market. First, the new campaign targeting the light beer consumers, which consists largely of younger drinkers, would not erode the company’s brand equity by alienating its core customer base, consisting of the “swing” and baby boomer generations. (Abelli, 2007) Second, MMBC would have to minimize the light beer’s cannibalization of its lager. MMBC’s sales staff would have to convince off-premise retailers to grant MMBC “incremental shelf space” instead of substituting cases of light product for the lager product. MMBC would also have to be certain that the light’s sales would compensate for any potential cannibalization of lager’s sales. Third, Chris would need to convince the senior management team that light’s sales would generate a profit in two years after