would be attracted disaster so their life does look as bad as it really is, basically to compare their life with someone who’s life just fell apart. I also think as Christian we will watch and listen see who we can pray for and try to help and spread God’s word. Hopeful that it will the people who were hit by the disaster hope and faith.
Another idea, is people feel bad for the people, so they want to help in some way. The disaster is public and people hear and have the urge to help. There is something that is not normal, out of the ordinary, brokenness, that is not usually there. Yes, these disaster happen many, many time and year, and affects thousands of people each year. God built something into our heart to feel sorry and compassion for those people, no matter how many time it happens.
As I was look up disaster and the definition, and on Thesaurus. I found all this word dealing with disaster: harm, emergency, tragedy, rough, ruin. All those words have a negative look on disaster, but as I look farther over I saw the words “Act of God.” And that is what a disaster is, God did it for some reason, but it was part of his plan. Maybe he did it to tell someone about him, or to get someone to come the disaster ruins, and help. We tend to forget it a lot, yes it part of our sinful world, but it is also part God’s plan.