Born 27th March, 1963, Tarantino was always a big fan of cinema. As a child he was more interested in watching films and reading comics than paying attention in class at school. He once noted that one of his earliest memories was of his grandmother taking him to see a John Wayne movie. After dropping out of …show more content…
On the 23rd of October, Reservoir Dogs was released in cinemas, causing his name to be on the tip of everybody’s tongue. The film follows six men - Mr Blonde, Mr Blue, Mr Brown, Mr Orange, Mr Pink and Mr White, and their attempts to reconcile the events that have transpired: a planned bank heist gone wrong. With the cops apparently being tipped off, two of the six men dead and another bleeding out, we watch as the film takes us back to show us how the heist was set up, who the characters are, and if there is indeed an undercover cop in the group (Tarantino,