In August 1995, Hong Kong Government announced a major stage in enacting the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (“MPFSO) (Chapter 485, Laws of Hong Kong) to provide a formal project of basic retirement protection. The MPFSO submits the framework for the building a system of privately managed, employment-related MPF schemes for members of the workforce to form financial benefits for retirement. The MPFA was settled on September 17, 1998 to regulate, monitor and direct the operation of the MFP system. There is only about one-third of the workforce of 3.4 million people had some join of retirement protection before the achievement of the Mandatory Provident Fund System in December 2000. But now, closely to 90 per cent of the working population are already joined in retirement protection. There is a large and elderly population without enough savings will enhance a huge burden on the society if the number of ageing people rises up.
MPF is build mainly to support the basic retirement protection to the working population by saving. The main feature of this system include coverage all employees and self-employed people who are over 18 and under 65 years old, not including specifically exempt under the MPFSO, are included by the MPF system. An employee and his/her employer are both needed to contribute five per cent of the employee’s monthly relevant income as mandatory contributions for and in respect of the employee, subject to the minimum and maximum relevant income levels for contribution purposes. An employee if earning