Week 1. Google Inc.
Case Questions
1. Review Google’s corporate webpage and annual report. How would you describe Google’s strategy?
2. Prepare a competitor analysis. How would you define Google’s industry? Who are Google’s competitors?
3. Prepare an environmental analysis. What are the major trends impacting Google’s industry? What are the growth prospects for Google’s core business?
4. Do you think Google’s industry is a competitive market, in the technical sense? Does Google have a sustainable competitive advantage in internet search?
5. Would you recommend investing in Google?
Week 2. Redhook Beer Company, Inc.
Case Questions
1. Prepare a competitor analysis. How would you define Redhook’s industry? Who are Redhook’s relevant competitors?
2. Prepare an environmental analysis of the beer industry circa 1996. Pay special attention to the differences between the mass and craft brew segments.
3. Prepare a Five Forces Analysis for the craft beer segment. How attractive is the craft beer segment? Prepare a Five Forces Analysis for the mass beer segment. Which is more attractive the craft beer or mass beer segments?
4. What are the future prospects for Redhook Beer Company? Would you invest in their IPO?
Week 3. Apple (Computer) Inc.
Case Questions
1. Prepare a Five Forces Analysis of the personal computer industry. (Think of your traditional Windows based PC.) How attractive is this industry?
2. What is Apple’s strategic position within the personal computer industry? How does this position “push back” on the five competitive forces?
3. Prepare a Capabilities Analysis of Apple. Does Apple have a sustainable competitive advantage in personal computers? Why or why not?
4. What do you recommend Apple do with its computer business (the Mac)?
Week 4. SonyPlaystation 4
Case Questions
1. Who are the major competitors in home video game consoles? How have they faired over the previous generations of consoles?