The Ted Baker are present credit sales, it could lead to produce a number of accounts receivables. Debtor Days was changed from 2010 to 2013. Obviously, the data has significantly increased in 2013. Compare the Average Trade Receivables and sales revenue between 2011 and 2012, it has increase 18.8% and 13%. However, the growth rate of sales revenue is smoothly. So this is key factor which result in Debtor Days was go up. This situation will lead to rising costs and operating passive. Compare with Super-Group, the debtor days is almost same. In the same industry, Debtor Days shorter could bring more Competitive power for Ted Baker.
According to the line chart from above that the trend of creditor days has go down, even the data has slightly go up in 2012. Usually, Ted Baker should ensure the Creditor Days as longer as they can. This can be explained that Companies can occupy more supplier payment to supply the working capital. The Creditor Days depend on Average trade payables and Credit purchases. After calculated the data has shown that the growth rate of Average trade payables were 9.4%, 17.6%. 7.4% from 2010 to 2013. At the same time, the growth rate of Credit Purchases was 11.5%, 13.8%, 12.7%. This is why the trend