Emily does try to branch out after her father's death with her love for Homer, which is good for her. But the community thinks otherwise. “ ‘She will kill herself’; and we said it would be the best thing” (Faulkner 7) This is an unfair assumption made by the community. Because of her father isolationism and protection over Emily, the town really never got to see her true self. For all we know if Emily had been brought up like a normal girl she could maybe fit right in with the community. But it’s all if’s, and’s, and but’s. We will never know because Emily is forever plagued by her father's loss and knows no other life than solitude and isolation. The only happiness Emily can really find is in Homer but Emily knows her father didn’t want her to have a husband and the community was adamant against whites mingling with
Emily does try to branch out after her father's death with her love for Homer, which is good for her. But the community thinks otherwise. “ ‘She will kill herself’; and we said it would be the best thing” (Faulkner 7) This is an unfair assumption made by the community. Because of her father isolationism and protection over Emily, the town really never got to see her true self. For all we know if Emily had been brought up like a normal girl she could maybe fit right in with the community. But it’s all if’s, and’s, and but’s. We will never know because Emily is forever plagued by her father's loss and knows no other life than solitude and isolation. The only happiness Emily can really find is in Homer but Emily knows her father didn’t want her to have a husband and the community was adamant against whites mingling with