|Vocab item (include stress, phonemic |Definition |Context (story, dialogue, picture etc) and |Clarification of meaning (ccqs etc) |Problems and solutions |
|transcription [if necessary] and part of | |eliciting question | | |
|speech | | | | |
|Sentimental value |To say smth has sentimental value, it is |Last week I lost the ring. It wasn’t too |Is its price important? No. |Sts may try to pronounce the word with two |
| |not worth much money, but it is important |expensive or valuable but it was my | |stresses. |
| |to you because it reminds you of someone |granny’s present. She gave it to me to my | |Russian speaking sts can use another |
| |you love or happy time in the past |entering the University. I was so sad | |preposition after the phrase sentimental |
| | |(downcast). It was of great sentimental | |value. Ask them to use TO smb |
| | |value to me. | |