Gavin Kennedy.
In this assignment I will look at how business strategies and the technologies used to implement them are used in B2B, B2C, B2G. Strategy is defined as a particular long-term plan for success or for a particular aim e.g. in a business sense cutting costs. Technologies are the application of sciences to reach these strategies e.g. replacing paper based systems to cut costs.
B2B (Business-to-business) is the transactions between businesses, like between a wholesaler and a retailer e.g. Aer Lingus buying furniture for their offices off Office Supply Co.
B2C (Business-to-consumer) is the transactions between businesses and end-use consumers, like retailer to people e.g. Buying a ticket off Aer Lingus.
B2G (Business-to-government) this would be the transaction between a business and government e.g. like paying PAYE TAX.
C2G (Consumer-to-Government) is the transactions between the any government body and it citizens. When a person pays house-hold tax this would be an example.
Strategies and technologies of B2B may be too simple cut costs. Broken down even further this may be done by reducing paper based systems or replacing people with it systems. E-Procurement would be a technology in this case that would solve the problem. E-Procurement is the sale of goods and services to B2B, B2C or B2G through the internet using things like desk purchasing, online bidding in e-auctions, online exchanges and trading hubs.
Without the use of e-procurement the purchasing of good and services for business can be a waste of time and money. E-procurement negates the need for paper, makes approval instant; records are automatically kept of all transactions, it can be integrated into the enterprise resource planning so finance is automatically updated.
Desk purchasing and company specific