A) technology
B) people
C) equipment
D) time management
E) location
Answer: B
2. You know that your customers are demanding and sometimes difficult. Which personality dimension taps a person's ability to withstand stress?
A) extraversion
B) judging
C) conscientiousness
D) emotional stability
E) intellect
Answer: D
3. You describe a structure that is flat, has little formalization, and is fast, flexible, and inexpensive to maintain. You are describing the ________.
A) matrix structure
B) simple structure
C) bureaucracy
D) team structure
E) organizational pyramid
Answer: B
4. Which one of the following is consistent with a simple structure?
A) high centralization
B) high horizontal differentiation
C) high employee discretion
D) standardization
E) bureaucracy
Answer: A
5. Which of the following is not a weakness of the simple structure?
A) It is risky.
B) It is prone to information overload.
C) There is little unity of command.
D) It can lead to slower decision making.
E) It is often insufficient in larger organizations.
Answer: C
6. What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?
A) interpretation
B) environmental analysis
C) social verification
D) outlook
E) perception
Answer: E
7. You assign your students a project that involves developing a business plan for a retail store. The store will have 200 employees and will serve customers both locally and internationally via a storefront and an Internet catalogue. Which of the following organizational designs is least likely to benefit the goals of this retail store?
A) matrix
B) virtual
C) bureaucracy
D) team
E) simple
Answer: E
8. What is the theory that suggests that when we observe an individual's behavior, we attempt to determine whether it was