Everything that is related to consuming behavior: more shopping online should be lead to less retail space?. What would be the significant changes in consumer behaviour that will impact "la grande distribution"?
Carrefour, Ikea, etc...wants to be "suistanable". How they will achieve this sustainability? Does this mean invest in insualtion? If not, which other alternatives?
Why large distribution usually own their own building? Small chains not.
In the case of manufacturing facilities, they usually concentrate a small part of the production in Europe...but this is usually premium-production (e.g. MF: Lacoste in France) and also invest in high value machinery, state of art technology...what they do to protect this equipment? Fire protection, regulation of temperature, etc...
Industrial building real estate owners: Culogis and Mc Quire.
New central distribution center in Bulgaria? Logistic center?
Hypothesis: from 70´the economy has shifted decreasing the number of industrial buildings from manufacturing facility towards service type of building (finance, consulting, etc...)
MF: climate change (need to be more ready for natural catastrophes - earthquakes It, flooding in Germany...) is there a need to be ready for this?. Also trend to consume more biological and fresh food...which is less time stock and more in temperature ambience.
Manufacturing facilities
I. Let´s assume that the electricity bill will increase for more than 3% annually in average during the next 10 years...what would you do to counteract / compensate this increase? II. You expect your production capacity increase / decrease/ being similar during by 2020... a. if decrease...by how much? i. why? by how much? How will this affect your manufacturing facility? b. if increase...by how much? ii. would you rather expand your existing facility -renovation- or purchase larger surface? III. In the case that according