Then Ploof fired up the evaporator and we began a cookin again. This was the same process that had done over and over again during the last batch of sap. This batch however seemed kind of odd, because no matter what did, the bubbles of the boiling sap kept on rising all the way to the peak of the pan. Everyone was running all over the place. Some started to hold down the bubbles as much as they could, while others started to pray to God because they thought this was going to be the end. Then, out of nowhere Ploof had a secret magical, but unusual liquid that made the bubbles go down. We were all so relieved and curious what was that magic liquid, but no matter how many times we tried to ask him what it was, he would not tell us. This was the next mission we had to achieve, to find out what that magical liquid was and what power did it contain
Then Ploof fired up the evaporator and we began a cookin again. This was the same process that had done over and over again during the last batch of sap. This batch however seemed kind of odd, because no matter what did, the bubbles of the boiling sap kept on rising all the way to the peak of the pan. Everyone was running all over the place. Some started to hold down the bubbles as much as they could, while others started to pray to God because they thought this was going to be the end. Then, out of nowhere Ploof had a secret magical, but unusual liquid that made the bubbles go down. We were all so relieved and curious what was that magic liquid, but no matter how many times we tried to ask him what it was, he would not tell us. This was the next mission we had to achieve, to find out what that magical liquid was and what power did it contain